We'd like to say thank you to all our advisors for their contributions to the charity and making all of this possible.
Kora Hinton
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Georgia State University
Master of Early Childhood Education, Georgia State University
Ryan Shaw, PhD
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering / Mathematics, Virginia Tech
Master of Chemical Engineering, MIT
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, MIT
Master of Business Administration, MIT
Erica Shaddix
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Georgia State University
Master of Early Childhood Education, Georgia State University
Dan McKay, PhD
Bachelor of Religion and Philosophy, Shorter College
Master of Religious Education, Southeastern Seminary
Master of Divinity, Southeastern Seminary
Doctor of Ministry, Denver Seminary
Jarrod Shirley
Bachelor of Education, University of Georgia
Master of Education, University of Georgia
Joyce McKay
Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of Alabama
Master of Education, Troy State
Education Specialist Leadership, Kennesaw State