What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
Let me put it this way: If you like learning new things, taking risks, and mastering the process of turning your ideas into profitable businesses, then you could definitely call yourself an entrepreneur. It's all about creating something from nothing and having the drive and motivation to see it through. Being an entrepreneur isn't just having a cool idea, but building on that idea to develop a business people will want or need. In short, if you have what it takes to succeed in business and be responsible for your own enterprises, then congratulations – you're an entrepreneur!
Meet your mentor
Jonathan hinton
When I was in fifth grade, I found myself in the principal's office for running a 'money box' enterprise out of my desk. Every morning, I would take money from my lunch allowance and invest it in supplies from the school bookstore - things like pencils with logos of my favorite baseball team printed on them. I would then resell these items throughout the day to make a profit. This entrepreneurial streak continued into middle school, where I earned pocket money by trading comic books with classmates at the gym before classes began. ...​

Testing Your Idea
What kind of market do you have?
Who's Your Target Customer?
How will you acquire the customer?
How big is the opportunity (TAM)?
Sizing Your Competition
Money Matters
Estimating Capital Costs
How can you raise capital?
What about profits? Basics of a P&L
Deep Dive into Unit Economics
How to Scale for Growth
Nuts and Bolts of Getting Going
Incorporation and Entities Overview
Bank Accounts - the dos and don'ts of comingiling funds
Insurance - why its needed and common policies
Accounting Systems
Taxes - various types, who pays & why?